Well because Tokelau is in danger because of the sea water levels and the island its getting smaller and smaller. Tokelau will probably be under water or maybe it might still be there as an island? We dont know yet. Tokelau probably have no more land and most people will probably migrate from Tokelau island. We dont know that yet but i hope tokelau will still be standing and hopefully Tokelau will have more people there.
I think there will be faster transportation and More people migrating from New Zealand to tokelau or Australia to Tokelau. I reckon Tokelau will have fruit tree's like coconut trees or veges gardens.
im sure tokelau will have enough water to last for years to come, and the tokelauans dont have to dig wells just to get water, i hope tokelau people get enough money n space for them to live on and survive.
Desalination plants
desalination means taking salt out of the sea water or plants, so firstly this is how u desalinate salty water into fresh water for you to drink......
Fast Trasportation
more people Migrating from new Zealand,Samoa or Fiji to Tokelau
Missing Land
Internet cafe's everywhere
More food for people to eat
Fishing equipment
More Money
vegetable gardens